Artist Statement
My artworks focus on exploring the intangible behind the tangible and seeing them as an assemblage. I combine multiplicity into one to present a structure of the principle. By emphasizing the intangible qualities that function in a non-physical way, I present them with animations in my work. As the tangible is obvious and above the surface, I use physical elements as the representation, such as ceramics and plaster. I combine both parts as a whole and present them with combinations.
Individuals are brought into an assemblage, functioning as a whole and transforming. The changes in the intangible elements can be unobservable but reflected in the tangible. As a brain, the intangible part of myself can be the unconsciousness, which needs to dive in to explore; the tangible part is showing on the surface, evident and apparent. As a cup of carbonated drink, the intangible is the pleasantness I create for the drinker; the tangible is the fat I bring to the drinker. As a fingernail, my physical growth is affected by the person’s mood. Assemblage is the color gray that involves many other colors.
I observe the movements of the assemblages and flow with the dynamicity as a participant. I rebuild connections when elements go metamorphosed.
Assemblage is a variable keep-changing subject in my art, and I experiment with them as they merge the components. As a result, I explore assemblages as a way of functioning to experience things.