Artist Statement
My work is about viscerality; about being as vulnerable as I can, peeling my skin and letting my guts spill out in front of you. They generate emotion and thought through crevices, open wounds peering into my brain. Through them, I explore the dimensions of anger, regret, fear, and anxiety. The frustration it all brings forth, yet the absurdity is how I deal with my problems.
I cry while laughing, then punching the nearest object, laughing again at the fact that I just head-butted a door.Humor and suffering remain hand-in-hand.
Feelings are a concept I overflow with, and I'm overwhelmed by. They’re bizarre babies who crawl inside my paintings.
The materials I explore reflect this need to be raw and untethered. That's why I paint on discarded objects. Using objects that have a process or story, which have already interacted with humans before, characterizes the piece with greater depth. Cardboard has been my canvas of choice lately. It's a layered object used for many things, and I can peel and carve it, simulating the layers of a living being, showing both the guts and the feelings inside the painting.
By engaging with the materials this way, I emulate where I envision my work belonging. The streets of Ciudad de México, the city where I've learned and seen the most, and where the people that raised me live.
This city and its people feed my imagination, and I have a strong desire to return it back to them. Sharing my creatures with the people that nurtured them into existence, and I don’t mean to paint in the walls of some business building or lifeless gallery but in the worn walls of an alley that have thousands of layers of paint paper and vomit, peeling off in a way resembling the cardboard I paint on or the overcrowded avenues where my friends and family go to school or work.
I also think that through my art, I search for my identity as a lot of the time, I let my subconscious take over when I’m doing something so I get to know myself better through my pieces, so in a way, in my art, you can see more of who I am than by just talking to me, deciphering it is a more complicated endeavor, many times finding the meaning of a piece by reflecting on its contents when it is finished and even when mostly understanding them letting people connect to them through their own interpretations as what I’m doing is giving shape and life to feelings and thoughts and letting them free in the world.
Mi muro de huesos poem
En mi muro de hueso la muerte vibe y la vida se celebra, en mi muro de huesos la gente vibe sin carne y sin pena, se refleja tu rostro mi rostro sin piel y sin venas, en mi muro de huesos mis antepasados reviven sus penas pero también la sangre qué pasó por sus venas, la comida qué pasó por sus bocas y que fue mascada por sus dientes, las herramientas que pasaron por sus manos y lo que hicieron con ellas, las memorias que vieron y que me an pasado y las trágicas muertes que sufrieron y las historias que me han dejado. Pero con esos huesos yo construyo un muro que me sostiene como persona que me muestra de donde vengo ,en esos hueso yo veo mas vida que la gente muerta por dentro porque olvida pero aun camina, y gracias a esos huesos se mejor a donde voy por que al conocerlos me doy cuenta de lo que soy, yo también soy huesos cubiertos por carne ,músculos y penas pero si me quito todo huesos son los que se revelan .