London Fox, 2024
Artists Statement: My thesis intends to symbolize community in different shapes and forms of diversity among the unhoused. I aim to bring awareness to the experiences of those facing homelessness and shed light on topics often overlooked. Drawing upon existing literature and research on homelessness and community building, I explore themes such as resilience, solidarity, and the human experience within these marginalized communities. My research will contribute to a deeper understanding of these topics. Growing up surrounded by the unhoused, my goal is to create art that sparks conversations and challenges perceptions. Throughout my creative process, I blend various mediums such as paintings, collaging, ceramics, woodworking, and metal. Each artwork serves as a metaphor, delving into the intersections of community and homelessness; my artwork utilizes visual journalism techniques to emphasize my environment, specifically places like Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. My artistic choices are informed by a deep consideration of materials and their symbolic significance. I select materials that resemble resilience or beauty in adversity, reflecting the strength and abundance found within marginalized communities. When painting, I paint on perspectives of the stories I've seen through my lenses and others; I aim to challenge perceptions and evoke empathy in viewers. I envision my artwork to bring the topic of social change and awareness within marginalized communities, even if that takes place through exhibitions, discussions, and community engagements, so we can visually see what we take for granted.