Nicole Reyes, 2024
Artists Statement: My artwork represents continuous inner turmoil caused by suppressing my emotions. Throughout my life, I’ve been met with constant hostility when expressing my thoughts, opinions, and feelings. This rejection of my person paved a dire need to express every emotion I had, but ultimately, this never came to fruition due to the fear of being met with the same backlash. This continuous avoidance of expressing my thoughts and feelings created an inner unrest of wanting to express myself freely without being met with hostility.
My primary focus is using the figure to capture movement and communicate emotion effectively. I use traditional media such as graphite, charcoal, and ink to fully communicate my disdain because of their simple yet bold power. The figure is something every human possesses, so its utilization can help the viewer create a sense of connection and empathy with my work.
As an artist, one should focus on the authenticity of their art. The playful joy and satisfaction that my first experiences with art taught me was that the process and product of a piece are paramount. In continuing my practice, I pay homage to my younger self, motivating me to move forward. I don’t think the aim of creating art should be to revolutionize society or challenge social norms. My art does not focus on the revolution a piece could potentially make but on communicating authentic self-messages.