Artist Statement
My concept is to appeal to people to quiet their minds in this noisy city life and to find small things around them that can enhance their happiness in this crowded life. Humans come from nature, we live in nature, and nature is the best thing to relax and heal us. Currently, people have so much to take on in this society. Adults must think about how they are paid, maintaining relationships, or caring for their families. Students have to think about how their grades will be, their relationships with their classmates, or worry about their future. Men, women, children, or adults all have their own things to worry about and are busy. Only a few people in this society can really be quiet and take a look around themselves.
When I see people busy with life and neglecting to enjoy the best resource the world has given us since birth - nature, I want to tell them what I have experienced and seen. But I realized I don't know how to use fancy words and am not a good orator. I couldn't give them everything I felt. I envy people who can write books, poems, and orators. They can tell everything. I wanted to, but I'm also a visual artist. So I started to look for and try to find ways to make people understand what I was feeling without using fancy words. I leave information behind and create the environment as I have seen it. In my work "Tiny World," I use a different way of expression than in other works: I reduce the information in the picture or hide it all in the image. In this series of works, I focus more on shaping the atmosphere and letting my viewers experience it for themselves. The names of all the works in this series are in my handwriting because the original is more natural, more casual, and brings relaxation to people. The names of the paintings are a clue for my viewers to explore. I hope people will focus more on enjoying nature and not lose their connection to it.