Artist Statement
I was born and raised in Seoul, the capital city of Korea, which is where I feel most comfortable and it is comforting to make artworks about it. After few years away from home, I find myself wanting to camouflage as comfort and survival mechanism in both places—home and away from home.
The idea of ‘camouflage’ serves a different purpose in each place. When I am home, I want to camouflage myself as a way to really bond into the environment I hold precious. However, when I am away from home, I want to camouflage myself as a way of hiding, unnoticeable and apart from everything.
I associate geometric shapes and vivid colors with home. This is not only because Seoul has many geometric-shaped buildings and colors, but I also see that the relationships between people are similar to those of geometric shapes interacting with each other on a surface. Everyone is so unique but they still live with and among others. I see the different parts of the city collaborating and creating a united object. the city and many different particles collaborating and creating a united object. I plan on continuing on to art in college and becoming an exhibiting artist in many different countries.